Environmental Policy

DOÑANA PLAYA is proud to announce its commitment to the protection and improvement of the environment. We recognize that respect for the environment is interconnected with human well-being, and therefore our policy is guided by the following principles:

  • Good internal management: Managing the campsite and its auxiliary facilities in a way that minimizes harmful environmental impacts and the use of natural resources (examples include):
    • On-site water treatment and reuse of treated water for irrigation purposes.
    • Use of solar panels for energy generation.
    • Non-use of polluting vehicles internally in many areas.
  • Promote the conservation of biodiversity to maximize the ecological potential of the campsite.
  • Communications and environmental education: to ensure that our environmental attitudes, policies, and practices are accurately perceived by the public.
  • There is a formal commitment by the company to ensure compliance with all applicable environmental legislation and other requirements that apply to the natural environment where it is located.
  • Likewise, the company is committed to continuous prevention of the generated pollution, both in terms of waste management, emissions, and discharges, as well as reducing the consumption of resources, especially water resources, in the field.
  • The camping’s goal is to achieve continuous improvement in its environmental performance. Our goal is therefore to enhance both the ecological value and the recreational enjoyment derived from this camping, and to ensure that our commitment to environmental management responsibility is recognized by the entire community. We believe that campings can serve as a role model for good environmental practices.

In Huelva, on April 20, 2007