Our priority: the well-being and
health of customers and employees.


All customers must download and sign this document before accessing the Campsite.

As a result of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 virus, at Camping Doñana, we have implemented general measures and regulations, as well as the implementation of health protocols, to ensure that our customers can enjoy a safe vacation and our staff can carry out their work in a responsible and secure manner.

Our priority is the well-being and health of both our customers and employees. Therefore, we have implemented the following improvements, taking into account the regulations and recommendations provided by the authorities, as well as the Spanish Campings Association. All these measures and actions will allow us to ensure that Camping Doñana remains not only a pleasant place but, above all, a safe one.


Management and administration

– Develop a Contingency Plan with specific measures to reduce the risks of contagion. This plan should be monitored to assess its effectiveness and make necessary modifications.
– Have a risk management committee in place to define strategies and make decisions to minimize hygiene and health risks.
– Prepare and adapt risk assessments and safety and health protocols with the employees.

  • The employees are familiar with the Contingency Plan for its proper implementation.
  • It must be ensured that the customer is informed about the restrictive conditions regarding the use of the facilities and that they are made aware, before confirming the reservation and during their stay (in written form and in a comprehensible language), of the special rules that will apply in the campsite.
  • The campsite displays signage with implemented preventive measures and guidelines to be followed by customers.
  • Indication of positions respecting the safety distance with markings or alternative measures (reception, entrance to the restaurant, etc…).
  • Information about nearby health centers and hospitals, as well as emergency phone numbers, will be provided.
  • External service providers are informed about the applicable prevention measures established.
  • It sets the objectives and establishes mechanisms to make the best decisions.
  • It coordinates among the members of the committee, with worker representatives, occupational health and safety services, or the person in charge of those functions depending on the chosen preventive organization model of the company, suppliers, and subcontractors.
  • It designs the necessary protective measures and includes them in the Contingency Plan.
  • It plans, implements, and supervises the Contingency Plan, assessing its effectiveness and making necessary modifications if needed.
  • Analyzes the training needs of the professionals.
  • The possibility of modifying the decision-making processes, if necessary.
  • The allocation of authorities and responsibilities in risk management.
  • Provision of human and material resources, including personal protective equipment (PPE), based on the needs identified in the assessment of occupational risks and in compliance with applicable regulations.
  • The implementation of an action protocol in case an employee or customer displays symptoms compatible with COVID-19, following the guidelines of risk prevention and health authorities, including reviewing the protocols for cleaning and disinfection of potentially contaminated surfaces.

The supervision of compliance with the recommendations of health authorities regarding COVID-19, both by employees and customers, as well as the additional measures outlined in the contingency plan resulting from the risk assessment.



  • Social distancing must be observed whenever possible. If social distancing is not possible, ensure the necessary measures and protective equipment are in place.
  • It is recommended that the camping takes care of the cleaning of the staff uniforms. Alternatively, the employee can take care of cleaning the uniform at a temperature above 60°C, and transport the uniform in a closed bag to their own home. If it is not possible to clean the uniform at that temperature, the camping will proceed with the appropriate disinfection.
  • The camping will train the workers on the proper use and maintenance of masks, gloves, and PPE that they use. A record of this training must be kept.

Measures of protection for personnel
El personal sabe que debe evitar el saludo con contacto físico y respetar la distancia de seguridad.
The staff is aware that they should avoid physical contact greetings and maintain a safe distance. The staff will use masks when it is not possible to maintain a safe distance and when the specific job procedure and risk assessment determine it. Dispose of personal hygiene waste at the end of its useful life in designated bins with non-manual operation.
Staff members are instructed to thoroughly wash their hands after sneezing, blowing their nose, coughing, or touching potentially contaminated surfaces.
The staff members are instructed to frequently disinfect personal items such as glasses and mobile phones using a disinfectant solution or soap and water when feasible. With each shift change, it is important to disinfect work station elements such as screens, keyboards, and mice. For electronic equipment, it is recommended to use specific cleaning products applied with a cloth or special disinfectant wipes.
The campsite establishes guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting shared equipment between uses by employees.



  • Ensuring the safety distance is a priority. In case it’s not possible to maintain the safety distance, installing physical barrier elements to ensure the protection of the staff and prioritizing reception services through an exterior window.
  • Availability of hand sanitizer gel for customer use.
  • Place visible markers to maintain distance and avoid overcrowding.
  • Disinfect used items (keyboard, screen, phone, etc.) at the beginning and end of each work shift.
  • Provide individual headphones and headsets for the phone that cannot be shared among users.
  • Avoid sharing pens, and if necessary, disinfect them after each use.
  • Encourage pre-checking and online payment options, including contactless card payment or other electronic methods. The card should be handled only by the customer. Disinfection of the POS terminal after each use.
  • Prioritize telephone contact so that the customer can avoid going to the reception, providing the customer with a telephone number, instant messaging, or another system that allows them to contact the staff during customer service hours.
  • Remove shared brochures and decorations that hinder proper hygiene. Provision of a non-contact thermometer.
  • Provision of emergency numbers and information about nearby hospitals or health centers. For the assignment of accommodations, prioritize those that have not been occupied by guests in the 48 hours prior to the arrival of the new guest.



  • Floor markings in the premises, terrace, and bar area should be implemented to maintain social distancing.
  • The staff should encourage customers to sanitize their hands before entering. Prioritize the use of single-use tablecloths.
  • Avoid the use of common menus, opting instead for options such as verbal communication, digital menus, chalkboards, or signs.
  • Self-service products such as napkin holders, toothpick dispensers, vinegar and oil sets, etc., should be removed. Instead, disposable single-use options or service by waitstaff upon customer request should be prioritized.

The customer’s arbitrary use of terrace equipment (tables and chairs) will be monitored to ensure that it can be properly disinfected between customers. Signage will be displayed informing customers of the occupancy limit and that they should not occupy a table without being seated by the establishment’s staff.

The safety distance between customers and staff must be respected. If this is not possible, other protective measures such as masks or face shields should be used. Otherwise, the waiter/waitress should wear a mask. The positions to be occupied by customers at the bar should be established in such a way that the safety distance is guaranteed. The products displayed at the bar should be protected and self-service is not allowed.


Sanitary services

  • Ensure a distance of 1.5 meters between individuals.
  • Disabling of some of the equipment.
  • Cleaning and disinfection at least 3 times a day.
  • Exclusive use by customers who do not have these services in their camping accommodation.
  • Hand sanitizer dispenser at the entrance.
  • Ventilation and frequent deep cleaning and disinfection of the entire facility, especially faucets, doors, toilets, and shower controls.
  • Paper towel dispensers or hand dryers are available for drying hands.
  • It is recommended to use appropriate footwear for showering to maintain hygiene and prevent slipping or other accidents.
  • The waste bins should have a non-manual opening mechanism and should be equipped with a double inner bag. This helps to ensure proper hygiene and easy disposal of waste while minimizing the risk of contamination.
  • The paper, gel, and soap dispensers must be cleaned periodically.
  • Control the capacity by establishing an entry system and instructing customers to wait outside the facility.
  • Signage at the entrance indicating the maximum capacity and the mandatory requirement to adhere to the measures.
  • The camping may assign usage schedules to customers to facilitate compliance with capacity limits.
  • Ensure a distance of 1.5 meters between individuals.
  • Hand sanitizer dispenser at the entrance door.


Common areas

  • The occupancy limits of the different common areas are established and indicated.
  • Maintain a safe distance between customers.
  • Availability of disinfectant solution.
  • Increase the frequency of cleaning in these areas that will be open to the public, especially children, in accordance with the guidelines of the competent authorities.
  • Hygiene measures are established at the entrance to these areas, such as handwashing or the use of disinfectant solution.
  • The entertainment activities must be designed and planned in such a way that allows controlling the capacity and respecting the minimum safety distance between people. If it is not possible to maintain the minimum safety distance, masks should be worn. Activities will be carried out outdoors whenever possible, and the exchange of objects will be avoided.
  • The materials used in the activities will be disinfected before each use.
  • The development of animation activities will comply with the regulations issued by the competent authority at all times regarding the number of people who can participate.
  • The establishment of a spatial distribution should be implemented to ensure a safety distance of 1.5 meters through floor markings that delineate limited spaces.
  • The camping site develops an occupational risk prevention protocol that includes assessing the risk of each job position, providing training on how to prevent contagion, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and the use of personal protective equipment.
  • The workers must observe the measures of social distancing and the rest of the recommended measures.
  • Once the established capacity is reached, the customer will not be able to access the facility until other customers leave. The lifeguard or the personnel designated by the camping management will be responsible for supervising the number of swimmers in each pool and restricting access according to current legislation.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of the furniture used by the users after each use.
  • The practice of collective sports and the use of all types of facilities such as playgrounds will be prohibited.


Cleaning and disinfection plan

  • A daily record of the cleaning activities should be kept, indicating the frequency and method used.
  • Daily ventilation of the common areas where customers have been is required.
  • Use of disinfectant cleaning products in safe conditions, for example, freshly prepared bleach solution (chlorine concentration of 1g/L, prepared by diluting 1:50 with bleach of 40-50g/L concentration). Use of ethanol 62-71% or hydrogen peroxide 0.5% for one minute. Other authorized alternative means may be used, but in any case, the effectiveness of the disinfectants used must be ensured, taking into account the safety data sheets of the products.
  • Cleaning carts are cleaned and disinfected after each daily use.
  • The collection of waste bins in common areas is done in a way that the bags are closed and transported to the waste collection point.
  • There is a daily record of the cleaning activities performed.

Disinfection and cleaning of the pitch are carried out upon the departure of the client, including the removal of any waste.

  • Cleaning and disinfection of walls, floors, ceilings, mirrors, windows, furniture, decorative elements, and any surfaces or equipment with a high level of use/contact are conducted.
  • Ventilation and airing of the accommodation are carried out.
  • Removal of towels and bed linen.
  • The air conditioning system should be checked between each stay, especially the cleaning of filters and grilles.
  • There should be a specific protocol in place for the staff entering these accommodations while they are occupied, considering the following:
    • Maintenance staff must protect themselves with personal protective equipment (PPE).
    • Once the assistance is completed, the staff will dispose of the PPE and wash their hands afterwards.
    • Interventions by staff inside the accommodation should preferably be carried out when the client is not present. If that is not possible, the safety distance should be maintained, and if not feasible, the client should be encouraged to wear a mask.
  • “Dirty textiles”
    • Dirty textiles should be collected, placed in a bag, and sealed until they are treated in the laundry.
    • Dirty textiles should not be shaken. After handling dirty textiles, the staff should wash their hands.
    • Dirty textiles should be washed at a temperature above 60°C. In case of outsourcing the service, it should be communicated to the provider.
    • Do not leave bed linen on the floor.
    • Place clean linen only after cleaning and disinfecting the room.
    • Dirty laundry is placed in bags before being placed in cleaning carts.
    • Disinfection and cleaning of the pitch are carried out upon the departure of the client, including the removal of any waste. Check the list of authorized virucidal products.


Measures of mandatory compliance

  • Outdoor terraces maintaining a safety distance of 1.5 meters. For establishments, occupancy is limited to 75% with table service and a separation of 1.5 meters between them.
  • Table service must ensure the safety distance with the client and apply the necessary hygiene and prevention procedures.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of the premises at least once a day.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of equipment (tables, chairs, contact surfaces) between customers. The use of single-use tablecloths will be prioritized. The use of common menus will be avoided. Self-service products such as napkin holders, toothpick dispensers, vinegar dispensers, etc., will be removed, prioritizing disposable single-use options. The crockery, cutlery, and tablecloths will be stored in enclosed areas or away from traffic areas.
  • A designated itinerary will be established in the premises to avoid crowds.
  • Maximum capacity allowed is 50%, whenever possible, respecting a safety distance of 1.5 meters and organizing shifts.
  • The recreational water management and maintenance programs remain unchanged in relation to ordinary procedures, following the regulations.
  • Daily cleaning and disinfection of the facility. Surfaces in frequent contact such as door handles or handrails should be cleaned and disinfected at least 3 times per day.
  • Visible signage or public address announcements should display hygiene and prevention guidelines, emphasizing the need to leave the premises if experiencing any symptoms compatible with COVID-19.
  • Spatial distribution in the user area should be arranged to ensure a safe distance of 1.5 meters between individuals. This can be achieved by placing floor markings or signs to delineate and limit the available spaces. All personal belongings must remain within the 1.5-meter safety perimeter.
  • The use of water fountains is not allowed.
  • The campsite must determine the capacity limits for common areas based on the maximum allowed occupancy and in accordance with the hygiene, protection, and minimum 1.5m distance measures (50%).
  • Closed spaces where activities are held must be ventilated for 2 hours before use.
  • The entertainment activities must be designed with a maximum capacity of 20 people and respect a distance of 1.5 meters between individuals. Otherwise, masks must be worn. They should preferably be carried out outdoors and without the exchange of objects (which will be disinfected after use).
  • The restrooms can only be used by one person at a time (except if assistance is needed).
  • Sports activities will be carried out individually or in pairs without physical contact. Cleaning and disinfection of the equipment used will be done after each shift and daily for the facility. The use of changing rooms is allowed.


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Ctra. San Juan del Puerto - Matalascañas km. 35,500. 21130 - Mazagón (Huelva)




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